Thanks for visiting KZJ website of KZJ.KETS.COM (from herein known as the “Website”)which is owned by KZJ New Materials Group Co., Ltd (from herein known as "KZJ") and is an on-line information service provided by KZJ. Since everything on this site is subject to these website terms and conditions of use. Please read these Terms of Use carefully before going any further. Its use is only allowed upon acceptance of the following terms and conditions. If you do not intend accepting these conditions you are requested to not use the KZJ website.
KZJ may update the format and content of the Terms and Condition from time to time without notice. You should check these Terms and condition from time to time and each time you revisit this website.These Term and Condition were updated on July 6th, 2020.
KZJ Copyright
The contents of the Website, including but not limited to database rights, articles, documents, trademarks, logos, images, graphs and other intellectual property rights, are protected by copyright and China trademark laws. The KZJ Website may also contain images, documents, logos and trademarks from third parties who have expressly authorised KZJ to their use and publication on the website. The aforementioned material from third parties is also protected by copyright and trademark laws. If not intended for personal use, it is forbidden to copy, modify, distribute, publish or use the contents of the Website without the specific authorisation of KZJ. It is forbidden to sell or distribute copies of the Site or any part of the Site for commercial purposes. Website without the specific authorisation of KZJ. It is forbidden to sell or distribute copies of the Site or any part of the Site for commercial purposes. Material may only be downloaded from the Website if expressly authorised and specifically indicated within the various pages of the website. Said authorisation regards the personal and non-commercial use only of downloaded material and any other form of use is prohibited. None of the contents of the website may be considered to have the express or tacit authorisation from third parties to use KZJ trademarks, articles, images, graphs, sounds or any other feature covered by privacy laws, as per the preceding paragraphs.
Limits of responsibility
With regards to information contained on the Website, even although KZJ makes every effort to verify the reliability and accuracy of the information contained on the website and to keep the information updated, KZJ does not guarantee the correctness, completeness or topicality of said information and declines all responsibility for possible errors, incompleteness or imprecisions. Similarly, KZJ may not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage deriving from the use of the information contained on the Website.
Regarding to the functioning of this Website, KZJ may not be held responsible for damage caused by the interruption, suspension, delay or anomaly in the connection to the website due to power shortages, poor telephone connections and signals or by a poor internet service or for damage caused in the connection to the website due to power shortages, poor telephone connections and signals or by a poor internet service or for damage caused by downloaded materials, where permitted, contained on the website, including damage to electronic equipment caused by viruses.
KZJ has no responsibility for the contents of any other website that may be accessed through the website or through which it is possible to access the website. KZJ gives notice that it has no control over the contents of such websites and, as a third party, may not be held responsible for their contents and materials, including advertising materials, divulged on those websites or for any products or services they offer. KZJ products or services contents and materials, including advertising materials, divulged on those websites or for any products or services they offer. KZJ products or services may not be considered sponsored, shared or supported in any way by KZJ
Use for legal purposes
Users must use the website and its services for legal purposes only and, in all cases, without impinging on the rights of third parties. Users must also pay particular attention to data protection laws, intellectual and industrial property laws, the protection of personal data, current legislation regarding cybercrime and legislation. Users may use the website for personal use and in accordance with related applicable laws
Check what you are not allowed to do:
remove or change anything on the Site;
include or create links to or from the Site;
copy or use any material from the Site for any commercial purpose;
use or remove or change any copyright, trade mark or other intellectual property right notices contained in the original material or from any material copied or printed off from KZJ website.
Communications and Information sent by users in KZJ Website
The user assumes all responsibility for the contents of any messages sent and accepts to be fully responsible for, and declares and guarantees to the contents of said messages in KZJ Website. The user also releases KZJ from any responsibility to demands by third parties to KZJ, the company or any of the subjects mentioned above for damages caused by the behaviour of the user or of any person authorised by the user to access the Website.
All information and material supplied by any user through KZJ websit will not be considered confidential or reserved. As such, KZJ China reserves the right to freely use said information and material in the way it deems suitable. Anyone who sends material and/or information guarantees that the same may be to freely use said information and material in the way it deems suitable. Anyone who sends material and/or information guarantees that the same may be published and accepts that KZJ cannot be held liable and is free of any obligation towards third parties regarding said material and information.
Privacy and Cookies
With regards to the protection of personal information and the presence of cookies, please refer to each specific section of KZJ website.
Applicable Laws
The terms and conditions in this document are regulated according to the related China law.
if you wish to make any request about the terms and conditions. You can find the office contact information here to help you to understand it well.
KZJ New Materials Group Co., Ltd.
Add.: No.169, Nei'an Middle Road, Xiang'an District, Xiamen, China 361101
Ph: +86 4008 002398 Email: kzj@lets.com